The organization's dedication to empowering communities to address their challenges drove the Total Health Village (THV) program, a comprehensive and transformative development initiative. Focused on remote and rural areas with health issues encompassing economic, mental, and spiritual well-being, SMAid took a comprehensive approach to tackle these challenges. Through strategic selection, the positive effects of SMAid's interventions extended beyond the target communities, rippling through surrounding areas over time.
SMAid International was involved in two Total Health Villages, Kobedi and Tumiamayenko, Sunyani West District of Ghana.
SMAid established a Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) clinic in Kobedi, providing vital healthcare services to the community members. The clinic offered medical support and facilitated health education to promote well-being.
Malaria posed a significant health threat in Kobedi. SMAid conducted regular malaria screening campaigns in the village, ensuring early detection and timely treatment, thus reducing the effect of the disease.
Recognizing the importance of youth development, SMAid empowered the youth of Kobedi through sports initiatives. These activities promoted physical health, team spirit, and leadership skills, contributing to the overall growth of young community members.
Tumiamayenko Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) SMAid fostered financial inclusion and economic growth by supporting the Village Savings and Loan Association in Tumiamayenko. This initiative provided access to financial resources and encouraged entrepreneurship and self-reliance.
SMAid encouraged sustainable agriculture and food security through the Community Hero Vegetable Project in Tumiamayenko. This project empowered local farmers and promoted the cultivation of nutritious vegetables to improve dietary diversity.
SMAid conducted regular malaria screening programs in Tumiamayenko to detect and address malaria cases and contributed to better health outcomes in the community.
Tumiamayenko, Child Welfare Centre (CWC) Ensuring the well-being of children was a priority for SMAid. The Child Welfare Centre in Tumiamayenko provided essential services, including healthcare, nutrition, and education support, to enhance the lives of children in the village.
SMAid recognized the significance of early education and established a nursery school in Tumiamayenko. This school laid the foundation for children's learning journey and prepared them for future academic endeavours.
With ongoing efforts in Kobedi and Tumiamayenko, SMAid International remained dedicated to building sustainable and resilient communities. By investing in healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and community engagement, SMAid's Total Health Village program continued to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those it served.